Being a dog, and being one who has had his day running the streets, it should come as no surprise to you that I’ve dealt with my share of fleas. I get it, I get it! I understand why you humans don’t want us dogs to have fleas. Trust me when I say we dogs really would...
Gunny here. Being a lab/shepherd mixed with a few other things I have to admit I like water. Not just to drink, but to swim in, dig in, play in and generally wear. I’ve had my share of water events. There was the time I ate the homemade kids “play dough” off the...
Gunny here. It was a beautiful weekend. I live a great house where I can look out the window and watch the traffic go by: foot traffic, car traffic – it’s all interesting and keeps my older mind occupied. I noticed something new this weekend that had me a bit...
Today, the FDA announced immediate withdrawal of ranitidine, an antacid, from the market. The press release discusses buildup over time of a known cancer causing impurity, NDMA(N-nitrosodimethylamine), in the antacid. But what about our pets? For decades,...
Corona virus is on the tip of everyone’s tongue right now and has created some crazy new behaviors – some that make sense and some that are just a rip off. Let’s talk about pet care here. Veterinarians have extensive experience dealing with...
We talk about hormone imbalances in people all the time – yet the language seems to be different when it comes to pets. Should we talk about hormones problems in pets and are the health connections the same? We actually do have quite a bit of similarity between...