What Should I Do For My Dog’s Scab

I think sometimes people get frustrated with me because I don’t answer their direct question about a scab they notice on their dog. That’s because I have answer the question that led to the question. =) Let me explain.  x So, with anything having to do with scabs, we...
Gunny Has a Bellyache

Gunny Has a Bellyache

Whoa! Gunny here. Woke up this morning with quite a tummy ache. The noises my belly was making were enough to wake up my human family! They let me outside. I immediately started eating grass. Then brought me back inside. Boy. I just couldn’t get a handle on that...
How Dogs Are Like Cars

How Dogs Are Like Cars

Have you watched the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain“? Since I can’t read words, the best I can do is watch movies with my family. I love that movie! Enzo is my hero – there’s a dog who understands how things work. I, like Enzo, really only have gestures, so I do...
Gunny Talks Fleas

Gunny Talks Fleas

Being a dog, and being one who has had his day running the streets, it should come as no surprise to you that I’ve dealt with my share of fleas. I get it, I get it! I understand why you humans don’t want us dogs to have fleas. Trust me when I say we dogs really would...
Gunny Learns About Heartworms

Gunny Learns About Heartworms

Gunny here. This is not my favorite place – the vet. At least this lady didn’t make me sit on some cold metal table up in the air- she sits on the floor with me, talks to my mom, rubs my belly and massages my neck. Now, I’m just a dog. I don’t understand a lot...
Allergies, Detox, and Your Pet

Allergies, Detox, and Your Pet

Itchy skin, greasy hair coat, ear infections, red skin, hot spots, shedding – these are all signs of allergies in dogs and cats. Sadly, allergies are a very common condition. And if we think about what our pets are experiencing while they are digging and...

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