When Should I Do Another Lab Test for my Pet?

At one point or another, every pet parents  will one day be faced with that question of “to test or not to test.” Their concern, if they were to be honest is:  Are we going to test ourselves into a financial hole? No one wants to take a risk with their pet’s health,...

Four Things You Should Never Tell Your Regular Vet

Why is this even a question – a consideration? Because shouldn’t pet owners be able to have a truthful, respecting relationship with their healthcare provider? Their veterinarian? After all, the pet owner is truly in charge of their pet’s health. xx In reality,...

When Is It Too Late?

When to take our pets for healthcare is often a very hard decision. Certainly, many of us are guilty of waiting longer than advised for ourselves. We are busy, and we just don’t take time for our own health care. We are tough, we will be fine! But when it comes to our...
Should I Have my Cat Declawed? What are the Pros & Cons?

Should I Have my Cat Declawed? What are the Pros & Cons?

Another controversy alert!! I have a colleague, Bret Glass, who is the king of helping people and their “fully armored” (i.e. fully clawed) cats co-exist. Bret is working on 100 suggestions to help kitties keep their claws. From banana peels to his wonderful...
What is the Best Age to Get a Puppy or Kitten Neutered?

What is the Best Age to Get a Puppy or Kitten Neutered?

Oh – I can just feel the controversy in the air rising! Can you? Okay, let’s just get right into it! We’ll tackle dogs first. From the perspective of how small the incision is to how quickly they bounce back from surgery, 3-4 months of age is a great time for this...

All of the sudden, my dog isn’t eating his food. What should I do?

There are many, many possible causes for this. So, let me go through a few of the most possible. First, how long has it been? If everything else seems to be “normal” with your pet, it’s okay to go up to 24 hours without eating. It’s possible he has the flu. Of course,...

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