What is That Smell?

What is That Smell?

There are many smells pet owners deal in their pets. There’s bad breath which might indicate a rotten tooth, upset stomach, or in some cases even be associated with pancreatitis. There are smells that come out of the backend, sometimes related to gas, recently...
Heart Disease in Cats

Heart Disease in Cats

A pet owner writes: My conventional vet wanted to put my 9 year old cat asleep after finding he had an enlarged heart from a x-ray. I did not want to, so he put him on Enalapril 2.5 mg and Furosemide 12.5 mg. He is alive but I think he is having issues with balance....
What Water is Best to Give my Dogs & Cats?

What Water is Best to Give my Dogs & Cats?

We pride ourselves in the United States of being a nation where drinking water is safe for all. But more and more reports are being published regarding the presence of high contamination levels in the public drinking water supply. In some municipalities, metabolites...
Why is There So Much Confusion About Taurine in Cat Foods?

Why is There So Much Confusion About Taurine in Cat Foods?

It is a well established fact that cats must consume taurine in their diet. Taurine is a sulfur containing amino acid that dogs and humans can synthesize from other dietary amino acids-but cats cannot. Amino acids are the smaller parts that make up protein; protein...
Help for the Dog or Cat with Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

Help for the Dog or Cat with Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

The common way to diagnose a urinary tract infection is to look for blood in the urine. Sometimes the blood isn’t so obvious that the pet owner sees it, but a veterinarian can detect the presence of blood with a urinalysis strip. The assumption is if blood is present...

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