We’re Mammals Like You!
It’s funny, you humans see how things work for yourselves but then you have different expectations for us, your pets… but we’re mammals just like you! I have three examples to prove my point: toenails, teeth, skin. Let’s talk about clipping your nails for...
What’s in a Breed?
Gunny here. I’m asking why humans focus on dog breeds and what diseases some breeds are predisposed to. Sure, there are certain things that are breed-specific. Like my brother Newman. He’s a tall, rough coat collie. He has collie eye. That’s some thing collies get....
Talking Pet Food with “It’s a Dog’s Life” Host Angela Ardolino
Gunny here!! Dr. Cathy was invited on this radio show to talk about pet food. I'm always so proud of her and I love that this is a radio show, because I don't have to WATCH... I can listen while I pace around the house looking for anything that may catch my eye! You...
Do you watch TV?
Gunny here. Can I ask you a quick question? Do you watch commercials on tv?Look, I’m a dog. So, I’m at the mercy of my people and what they put on the rectangle talking box. I don’t have thumbs to change the channel. So I have to watch what the people pick. The...
Gargling by Gunny
You humans spend a lot of time in the bathroom. It’s rather fascinating to a dog. Your body can do and move in ways I cannot. Take the tongue. I can lick a plate better than any human. My tongue goes wide and flat to get in the books and crannies. Don’t want to...

Maggots. The Trend of the Future
Gunny here Yes I’m a dog. As a dog I have to admit I have eaten some nasty, smelly crap. I really like to roll in it. It’s like human men with their beards – save that flavor for later! Now that everybody’s been staying home for the last year, my mom has been home...

Why Is My Food Dish Where All The Trash Goes?
Gunny here Most of you know I’m an older mixed breed rescue dog. I’ve got some Shepherd in me. I’ve got some Labrador in me. Some humans call me a crotchety old man. That’s their deal. I can tell you, I’ve been around the block. I’ve had a couple of different homes....

The Power of Pretzels
Gunny here. I’ve been watching you humans. I’ve been listening. Because really it’s all I have. I’ve seen you humans snack. Some of you like pretzels. Some of those pretzels are really hard and crunchy. I’ve seen the little ones they’re about the size of my dewclaw....

Tough Toenails
Gunny here. I don’t know what it is about my feet, but ever since I was a pup, if someone touched my foot, I would pull it back really fast. I can’t help myself! It’s like an unconscious thing. My mom says it’s something called a reflex. Whatever it is, withdrawal...

Winter Philosophy by Fred The Flea
Hey everybody! It’s Fred the flea. I love this time of year. Humans are so confused that it really makes my job of surviving the winter much easier! Because let’s talk about winter. Up north, it’s starting to get nasty outside. In the words of Dean Martin: Baby, it’s...