Why Does my Dog Howl at Sirens?

Why Does my Dog Howl at Sirens?

Here at DrCathyVet.com, we answer all sorts of questions about pets. Today, we’re talking about why your dog howls at sirens and whether this howling is anything to worry about. There are two reasons that dogs howl when sirens are nearby. The first is that the sound...

Can I Share my Holiday Meals With my Pets?

Can I Share my Holiday Meals With my Pets?

Holidays are times to share with the whole family so it certainly makes sense to want to include the four-legged family in the festivities as well. By knowing the dangers, it makes it easy to share the festivities with everyone. There’s some controversy over what...

Can Acupuncture Help Eye Disease in my Pet?

Can Acupuncture Help Eye Disease in my Pet?

So, your pet has been diagnosed with eye disease and you’re probably wondering what you can do to ease their suffering and create the best possible outcome. I get it. The good news is that acupuncture, often performed by your own holistic veterinarian, is a great...

Help! My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Ehrlichia Infection

Help! My Dog Was Just Diagnosed With Ehrlichia Infection

Symptoms of canine Ehrlichia include fever, weight-loss, swollen lymph nodes, swollen legs, lethargy, discharge from the nose and eyes and even seizures. If you’re noticing these symptoms, you are right to be concerned. If your dog has been diagnosed with Ehrlichia...

New Help for Horses with Wobbler’s Syndrome

New Help for Horses with Wobbler’s Syndrome

You noticed something “not quite right” with your horse. Nothing huge. A bit of clumsiness. Something amiss in the way he’s moving. A slight — but undeniable— change in his gait. After a bit of testing, your precious equine was diagnosed with Wobbler’s Syndrome,...

Halloween How Tos: Preparing Your Dog for NonStop Visitors

Halloween How Tos: Preparing Your Dog for NonStop Visitors

As the cartoon characters, the superheroes, and the villains leave our houses and enjoy trick or treat time it only takes a couple of precautions to keep the four-legged family safe. For many pets, it’s as easy as putting them in their own room at the back of the...

October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

October is National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

October is national adopt a shelter dog month. Even if you can’t adopt, here are some creative ways to support your local shelter. Most people are familiar with the standard ways of helping out at the dog shelter: volunteering to walk dogs, volunteering to clean...

Top Five “Cuddling” Breeds

Top Five “Cuddling” Breeds

So, you want a dog who could win “best cuddler?” Look no further than this unofficial list of the absolutely cuddliest of canines: The Beagle takes top spot. (In full disclosure, personal experience drives the answer to this question!) My little beagle is my best...

What to Do When Your Cat is Diagnosed with Cancer

What to Do When Your Cat is Diagnosed with Cancer

Cancer is a diagnosis no one wants for their pet, and because cats are such particular creatures, it’s often a harder diagnosis to hear for them as they limit what they let us do to them. For example, it is harder to change cats’ diets; it is harder to give multiple...

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