AAFCO Meeting, Day 1, 7/25/14
This meeting was best described as my "getting my bearings" meeting. There were 250+ representatives present from every state Department of Agriculture, the US federal government (FDA), the Canadian federal government (their FDA), and a whole lot of pet food industry...

I Know my House “Smells like Dog.” What are Tips We Can Take to Rid our Home of this Smell? (Without Giving up our Dogs or Keeping them Isolated in one or two Rooms of the House)
That “doggie” smell is neither normal nor natural. No amount of bathing or perfume will cover it up either. True health issues like infection (bladder, dental, or intestinal) need to be ruled out first before embarking on the next step. Once your veterinarian gives...

My Dog has Seizures. I’ve Learned that if I Feed him a Whole Container of Plain Yogurt when he Starts Shaking, it will Prevent a Seizure Episode. Can you Explain This?
What you have astutely figured out is that many seizures start in the intestines - the intestines are considered our second brain as they have the same chemicals (neurotransmitters) as our official brain. So, chemical problems in the intestines can travel by the blood...

My Older Dog is Beginning to Stink, Even Though we Bathe her Regularly. What is Behind This? And How Can we Fix it?
A change in smells is reason to worry, especially when it happens in an older dog! Here are a few reasons for a smell change in an older dog: diabetes bladder infection dental disease cancer Smell change is a signal of a problem, and, as the previous list shows, the...

My Dog Sometimes Eats his Own Poop, Immediately After Pooping. Why Does He Do this & Will it Hurt Him?
For any dog owner who witnesses this behavior – it brings on feelings of pure disgust for a most beloved dog. Then the next emotional concern is whether or not the owner has done something wrong. Rest assured, this is not case. Dogs who eat their own stool are...

My Cat Acts so Aloof. How Can I Pamper Her in a Way She Accepts?
Some kitties are quite standoffish. This behavior makes it really hard to love up on your cat who just wants to be left alone. For some of these cats, it’s hard to even have time with them sitting on your lap. Some cats can be pampered with a brush with fresh catnip...

My Dog Constantly Drags his Butt. His Anal Glands have been Expressed by Vet. What Else is Going On?
My first question would be whether the veterinarian finds any fluid in the anal glands and what it looks like. Liquid from the anal glands should be brown, thin and see through. If it's anything other than that, there is infection. If the liquid is more like paste...

Can I Share Medications I was Prescribed for One Dog for Another Dog?
Yes and no. It depends on several things which is why it's good to call the veterinarian's office first and at least touch base. Most medications are dosed by weight, so first, you have to make sure you are giving the right dose. It's not always as simple as doubling...

Public Service Announcement: TICKS More Aggressive This Season
I can’t tell you the number of calls my clinic is receiving about ticks and how they seem even heavier and more aggressive this year. The more concerning part of this pet-related concern is that ticks don’t just pose a threat to your dog’s health, but to your own and...

I’ve Read that Dogs are Great at Managing & Masking Pain. What are Signs that my Pooch may be in Pain?
You are absolutely right - some dogs really do know how to hide pain! Here are some signs: slow to get up, starting to get a bit grumpy if touched a certain way, a tinge of blue or purple color on the tongue, an incomplete shake. The first two...