Yes, we’re talking feces today, and — yes — it’s a big deal. As pet owners, it’s important that we pay attention to the dog’s and cat’s poop. What does it looks like? How does it smell? What is its texture? It’s color, etc. (see post). Answers to these questions...
It’s pretty well known that the holidays are a time of stress for humans. Signs of stress may include weight gain, tiredness, or moodiness. Interestingly, we humans aren’t the only ones to experience stress and weight gain over the holidays – so do our pets. It...
I’m going to write this post backwards. First, I’ll list a bunch of symptoms (called clinical signs in animals) and have you go through the list. Tell yourself how many of these clinical signs you have experienced. With your pets, of course. Think of the different...
It’s a matter of time until dogs and cats need warning labels. I’m not talking breed-ism. This is a new, perceived danger most people are not even aware of. It’s because of food – at least so they say. Have you read the words in some of the recent recall...
I can’t help it – wherever I go I’m always fascinated by the animals and their care. Regionally, the character of animals changes by location. For example, it’s more common to see small dogs in cities. Big dogs tend to be more common where there is more space....
Dog bites and cat bites are two very different things. They present differently and can need different care. Let’s talk about each one and discuss some things to look for. It is common, unfortunately, for dogs to get into fights. They don’t have the ability to use...