EPM — equine protozoal meningitis — is an infection of the nervous system caused by a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona. This parasite is carried by opossums and raccoons. So, how might it affect your horse? Well, if an infected opossum goes to the bathroom on hay...
Choosing a holistic lifestyle for any member of your family comes with decisions and responsibilities. And, if you prefer a holistic approach to your own health, it makes sense to take the same approach for your dog. Because holistic medicine is not the norm, some...
You would be amazed how much difference there is between all of us. Even colleagues who went to veterinary school together have very different styles of practice. These differences are due to three things-experience, interest, and personality. Experience can mean not...
FIV, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus in cats that is similar to human HIV. Usually, cats are infected early in life but don’t become clinically sick for years; these cats are usually diagnosed by routine blood testing. The virus hangs out in the immune...
The answer depends on what has already been done. Has your kitten been dewormed? If not, you might get that done with a dewormer that gets hook, whip, and round worms. Most dewormers at the pet store only deworm against roundworms. Did you just change your kitten’s...
Most puppies loose their baby teeth by six months old. The last teeth we see change are the canines, the fangs. Just like two-legged kids, the adult tooth should push the baby tooth out. Sometimes the adult tooth isn’t lined up quite right and both teeth remain. In...