These days we all do it – we run to the Internet to check for information. Fact checking may be as simple as checking ingredients of a favorite recipe, to something as complicated as diagnosing an unknown illness in a pet. Multiple times over the years, before...
Have you ever just wanted a second opinion, either about your own health or the health care of your pets? Books and the internet are great for general information, background, and education but usually don’t address the specific situation going on in the owner’s...
When most people go to the veterinarian it is assumed the veterinarian is trained in the skills that are needed. Graduation from a veterinary curriculum means “trained and ready to serve your pets.” Any veterinarian can provide any service. There are specialty...
First question: Will the new veterinarian will accept services provided by your old veterinarian? For example, will they accept the vaccines that your veterinarian provided or insist on starting things all over? Over vaccination is a tremendous problem and leads to...
EPM — equine protozoal meningitis — is an infection of the nervous system caused by a parasite called Sarcocystis neurona. This parasite is carried by opossums and raccoons. So, how might it affect your horse? Well, if an infected opossum goes to the bathroom on hay...
Choosing a holistic lifestyle for any member of your family comes with decisions and responsibilities. And, if you prefer a holistic approach to your own health, it makes sense to take the same approach for your dog. Because holistic medicine is not the norm, some...