Special Ingredient Saturday – Salmon
Pink and chum varieties provide a great source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon is also a great protein source, rich in Vitamin D, B3 (niacin), and B12. Salmon with bones included (example canned pink salmon) is also a great source of calcium.

How a Diet Change Brought Out the True Misty
Misty is a five-year-old mixed breed cutie. Her mom was feeding her very high quality, grain free dry food and Misty was having amazing issues with her waist. Essentially, she was being fed half of what her weight recommendation was and her waist was expanding. She...

How Charlie’s Heart Condition was Cured by Nutrition
“Charlie” is a handsome 7 year old Dachshund who presented last fall for sneezing blood and not acting like his normal perky self. His temperature was normal, as were his x-rays and his bloodwork, but his eyes were a bit bugged out and he was definitely dazed acting....

What are the Dangers of Kibble?
We all know the positive side of kibble, dry pet food: it is amazingly convenient and has a long storage life. Many dry foods have a shelf life of years. We also know these foods are balanced to meet a certain level of nutrition. But there are definitely downsides to...

When is the Wrong Time to Seek Alternative Medicine Care?
This is an interesting question – as a holistic practitioners, our hope is that alternative care is always appropriate. However, when new clients come to alternative medicine, it needs to be for the right reason. When it’s for the right reason, everyone wins – the...

If February is National Dental Month for Pets, Then How do I Know if I Need to Take Advantage of the Special my Veterinarian’s Office is Running?
An oral exam will help determine the answer to your question and is usually pretty easy to perform on our dogs and cats. (At least usually, because a handful of animals don’t like having their mouth handled. If you have one of these dogs or cats, you know who they are...

My Dog Broke her Canine Tooth. What Do I Do?
The answer depends on a couple of things: if there is damage to the tooth root, if she is in pain, and your finances. When the tooth breaks and you can see a brown dot in the center of the tooth it suggests that the root is exposed. Sometimes that can cause pain as a...

My Puppy is Almost Seven Months Old & He has Two Sets of Fangs. Should I be Worried?
Most puppies loose their baby teeth by six months old. The last teeth we see change are the canines, the fangs. Just like two-legged kids, the adult tooth should push the baby tooth out. Sometimes the adult tooth isn’t lined up quite right and both teeth remain. In...

My Dog has Tartar on his Teeth. Can’t I Just Brush his Teeth & Get them Clean?
Tartar forms from the buildup of plaque. Plaque is a slimy combination of bacteria and food particles. With time, the plaque forms a hard, almost rock-like, substance on the teeth. Tartar acts a lot like a concrete sidewalk – just as sweeping the sidewalk with a broom...

My Eight Year Old Dog had a Dental Cleaning Six Months Ago But Now has a Swelling Underneath his Eye. What Could this Be?
It certainly is a bummer when our dogs need dental cleanings more often than once a year. However sometimes this is the case. There are some dogs who have weak enzymes in their mouths and they just fight dental decay. However, because your dog is older, there is the...