How Much Chance is There that my Dog will get Ebola Virus?

How Much Chance is There that my Dog will get Ebola Virus?

There has been a lot of press about Ebola virus lately. And while it is certainly a very scary disease, most of us are well protected from any exposure or infection. Those at highest risk are people who travel to Africa and provide aid to the poor people suffering...

All Cats are Gymnasts

All Cats are Gymnasts

Anyone who has truly watched their cat move can relate to this statement. Cats leap, they pounce, they fly through the air and grab curtains like a gymnastic ring. Most cats are very smart and stretch before they begin their gymnastic work out. (The canine athlete is...

Can you Really Train a Cat?????

Can you Really Train a Cat?????

This is a great question because the counter question is whether or not the cats actually train us. As kittens, you can train cats how to use a litter box by priming the box and helping them to dig in it after they use the bathroom. You can train cats about what time...

Just in Time: How Kosh Got His Appetite Back

Just in Time: How Kosh Got His Appetite Back

Kosh is a beautiful, sweet, two-year-old orange tabby. His mom brought him because he had stopped eating over the weekend. Nothing else seemed to be wrong except he wasn't eating and maybe he wasn't quite as active as normal. Because cats who don't eat can contract...

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