When most people go to the veterinarian it is assumed the veterinarian is trained in the skills that are needed. Graduation from a veterinary curriculum means “trained and ready to serve your pets.” Any veterinarian can provide any service. There are specialty...
I was recently speaking to a pet owner about her elderly cat, Edmond. Edmond seemed to have his nights and days confused. He would walk around the house all night, yowling, and sleep all day. His behavior made it very hard for his owners to sleep. Edmond’s owner tried...
It’s a form of energy therapy formalized in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui. Since 1922, his original 2000 students-turned-Reiki Masters have taught other practitioners all around the world in Usui’s energy healing methods. Based on a centuries old...
It has been estimated by some experts that over 90% of cancers can be prevented; most cancers are due to environmental exposure. Therefore, only 10% of cancers are genetic! This is great news because it gives pet owners who own those breeds predisposed to cancer a...
There are a few things to consider. First, if your dog just had a large snack of another dog’s poop then he simply could have over eaten and needed to empty out his stomach. The second major cause of vomiting feces is to vomit so hard that not only the stomach gets...