Just like humans, puppies and kitties lose all their baby teeth. In most cases, the teeth come out by 6 months old. In fact, that is one tool vets use to judge the age of a puppy – if she has her canine tooth (the big fang) she is 6 months or older. So, what happens...
First thing is to be sure your dog had a full thyroid test – one that was sent out to a reference laboratory and measured several values of thyroid function, not just T4. If your dog is really and truly low on thyroid function, then your veterinarian will prescribe...
n theory, they should like ice water, just like we do, after a really hot day. Watch if the water is too cold – can make them puke – like a big shock to a warm belly – just like you read. The second thing to think about for those who really seek cool/cold things is to...
Thanks for your question. This is a common concern as we’ve all been trained since the 50s that taurine has to be added to cat food. Taurine comes from meat. In the 50s, cat food did not contain enough meat to provide cats with enough taurine for healthy hearts. Once...
In the prepartion of killed vaccines, the manufacturer “kills” the virus, usually by heat, so injection into a patient does not cause disease. This is especially important in rabies prevention as the last thing we want to do is give rabies to patients. The...