Special Ingredient Saturday – Powdered Cellulose

Special Ingredient Saturday – Powdered Cellulose

Recently, clients have asked me to review their food labels and one ingredient has been showing up frequently is powdered cellulose. What the heck it that? This hard to understand definition is put forth by the organization, AAFCO (look on your food bag) that...
Special Ingredient Saturday – Brown Rice

Special Ingredient Saturday – Brown Rice

Brown rice provides a quality source of fiber as well as a great source of other nutrients and phytonutrients. Brown rice is lightly processed (removing only the outermost layer—the hull), allowing it to retain high levels of Vitamin B3, B1, B6, manganese, and...
Special Ingredient Saturday – Aloe Vera

Special Ingredient Saturday – Aloe Vera

Ingredient Spotlight: Aloe Vera Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis Origin: Northern Africa Texture: Thin, clear liquid (Aloe vera gel has a clear, thick gelatinous consistency) Extraction Method: Scraped from the inner filet of the plant leaves Aloe vera is widely known...

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