So…you may have seen this information before, but let’s face it… We all tend to eat the same family celebration meals! This is a reminder for your family’s holiday fun this year. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Family and friends are...
Twice recently, I have heard the rumor that salt is dangerous for cats. . And I wondered why cats would be viewed as so special that they can’t have salt… a mineral critical to the health of any other species. But mostly I wondered, “What in the world is...
Oh Gosh…It’s Turkey Day! Family and friends are gathering together. The little ones are eager to pass their veggies under the table to the pets waiting at their feet. So…Here’s the question: Is everything on the Thanksgiving table dangerous...
I often emphasize the crucial role of diet in your pet’s overall health. Today, I want to focus on something many pet parents might overlook: the impact of dry food on our furry friends, especially during dry weather. . Understanding Dry Food . Let’s break it...
As a holistic veterinarian with roots in food animal medicine, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible power of colostrum—the first milk produced by mammals. As colostrum is now growing in popularity amongst humans for its health and anti-aging benefits, many pet...
You know how some pet parents beam with pride when they mention they’re feeding their furry friends Greek yogurt? They’re convinced that it’s not only the gold standard of yogurt, but it’s amazing for health. I laugh at myself as I type this because used to...