I often emphasize the crucial role of diet in your pet’s overall health. Today, I want to focus on something many pet parents might overlook: the impact of dry food on our furry friends, especially during dry weather. . Understanding Dry Food . Let’s break it...
As a holistic veterinarian with roots in food animal medicine, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible power of colostrum—the first milk produced by mammals. As colostrum is now growing in popularity amongst humans for its health and anti-aging benefits, many pet...
You know how some pet parents beam with pride when they mention they’re feeding their furry friends Greek yogurt? They’re convinced that it’s not only the gold standard of yogurt, but it’s amazing for health. I laugh at myself as I type this because used to...
Recently, I was asked about diet suggestions for a dog with leptospirosis. (Leptospirosis is infection with a bacterium called leptospira, lepto is the common name. Lepto causes kidney infection which can be transmitted to humans; often, dogs are assymptimatic...
In my last post we talked about anti-inflammatory diets and I mentioned that sometimes a food elimination diet is a good way to help address inflammation. Inflammation in the Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GALT) is as common as shedding dogs and cats. We are trained...
Fun recipe for your summer weekend: Doggie frozen yogurt 1 cup almond butter 32 oz plain or greek yogurt 3 ripe bananas Pint blueberries Blend almond butter, yogurt and bananas until smooth. Stir in blueberries. Spoon into ice cube trays. Freeze. Yield: 3 dozen...