Is Your Pet Spoiled?

Recently, I was asked about diet suggestions for a dog with leptospirosis. (Leptospirosis is infection with a bacterium called leptospira, lepto is the common name. Lepto causes kidney infection which can be transmitted to humans; often, dogs are assymptimatic...
How to Hold Your Pee

How to Hold Your Pee

As we discussed last week, this week, we are discussing how urine control works, but more importantly: how it works, explains how to fix it! First, just a little scientific nuts and bolts: Urine control occurs at the bladder, in the middle of the back, and at the...
Is Your Pet in Pain?

Is Your Pet in Pain?

Because they can’t tell us, somehow we have to figure out when our pets are in pain. This quest for clear indications of pain is applicable for any animal species, not only dogs and cats, but also reptiles, birds, horses, and any other species with which we share our...
Should I Have my Cat Declawed? What are the Pros & Cons?

Should I Have my Cat Declawed? What are the Pros & Cons?

Another controversy alert!! I have a colleague, Bret Glass, who is the king of helping people and their “fully armored” (i.e. fully clawed) cats co-exist. Bret is working on 100 suggestions to help kitties keep their claws. From banana peels to his wonderful...
Special Ingredient Saturday – Sardines

Special Ingredient Saturday – Sardines

Sardines are a great protein source that provides significant Vitamin B3, B12 and D, selenium, and healthy omega-3 Fatty acids. Sardines are also a good source of phosphorus and calcium.
What is the Best Age to Get a Puppy or Kitten Neutered?

What is the Best Age to Get a Puppy or Kitten Neutered?

Oh – I can just feel the controversy in the air rising! Can you? Okay, let’s just get right into it! We’ll tackle dogs first. From the perspective of how small the incision is to how quickly they bounce back from surgery, 3-4 months of age is a great time for this...

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