Long before I learned all this stuff about food, I learned crazy things about ears. The first thing that was world changing for me was the idea that I can use a cotton swab on my ear all day every day. But, for cats and dogs, cotton is abrasive. Second thing – how to...
A week away from home can be quite stressful. Then, more stress on you when you pick up your loved one, who was reportedly fine at the kennel, and your baby is now sick. How many times have we been too busy to get sick, but when it’s time to relax – wham!! – come down...
There are many facets to answering this question. First, read the bag – read the itty bitty print way on the bottom – often, these products recommend waiting several hours or until the next rain before allowing pets on treated areas. The chemicals can burn foot pads,...
Fun subject! Even my daughter likes to bathe the pooches. Most dogs love baths, most cats don’t – there are always exceptions. Do use lukewarm water, do use natural shampoo, do have plenty of towels and prepare for lots of water mess. So, a few pointers: Use a natural...
The first time you deal with a pet emergency that may require CPR will be a very stressful/scary situation. A great graphic to help comes from the American Red Cross. The chart shows a prone dog receiving CPR – Airway is checked and cleared with the Heimlich maneuver,...
Grapes and raisins have an unknown toxic factor in them that can cause acute renal failure in dogs. In too high doses, they can be fatal. It seems weird that something we humans can enjoy does that, but our pets can’t tolerate Tylenol either, where we can. Our...