My dog had calcium oxalate stones – how can diet help him?

My dog had calcium oxalate stones – how can diet help him?

There are a few things that go into the development of calcium oxalate stones (struvites are the most common type of stone). Calcium oxalate stones come from the urine being too acid (struvite is too alkaline) and our dogs not drinking enough, and a genetic...
Explain more about how diet affects bladder infections

Explain more about how diet affects bladder infections

Most pets these days are not eating a species appropriate diet. “Species appropriate diet” is the current buzz word to say our dogs and cats need to eat meat. Instead most pets eat foods based on corn and other byproducts of the human food industry. Don’t get me...

All of a sudden, my dog isn’t eating his food. What should I do?

There are many, many possible causes for this.  So, let me go through a few of the most possible. First, how long has it been?  If everything else seems to be “normal” with your pet, it’s okay to go up to 24 hours without eating. It’s possible he has the flu. Of...
What’s the big deal about “RAW” anyway?

What’s the big deal about “RAW” anyway?

Opponents of feeding raw food come in a few different types: the disgusted, the cost and time “conscious,”and the “evidence-based medicine” group. Those who are disgusted are often vegetarian and just can’t stand the raw meat idea. I do have a few clients who will...

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