The Scary Situation with Kirby’s Seizures

The Scary Situation with Kirby’s Seizures

My very good friend Susan has a little man named Kirby. He’s a 13-year-old Papillion who has been eating our recipes since we wrote the cookbook, Dinner PAWsible, in 2009. Kirby only receives rabies vaccine when required by law and receives very little other...
Heart Disease in Cats

Heart Disease in Cats

A pet owner writes: My conventional vet wanted to put my 9 year old cat asleep after finding he had an enlarged heart from a x-ray. I did not want to, so he put him on Enalapril 2.5 mg and Furosemide 12.5 mg. He is alive but I think he is having issues with balance....
Age is Not a Disease

Age is Not a Disease

Or – “Isn’t my pet too old for surgery?” (Or a dental cleaning, treatment for illness, treatment for arthritis, or anything else…) It seems to be human nature, and very easy for pet owners to explain changes in pet behavior due to age. While it’s common for pet owners...
Help for the Dog or Cat with Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

Help for the Dog or Cat with Chronic Urinary Tract Infections

The common way to diagnose a urinary tract infection is to look for blood in the urine. Sometimes the blood isn’t so obvious that the pet owner sees it, but a veterinarian can detect the presence of blood with a urinalysis strip. The assumption is if blood is present...
How to Avoid Atopy Early – Start When Your Dog is a Pup

How to Avoid Atopy Early – Start When Your Dog is a Pup

A colleague made a fascinating correlation: within 3 to 6 weeks of puppies receiving a distemper vaccine, many puppies break out with a rash on their belly. This rash is usually called “puppy pyoderma.” “Pyo ” means pus or infection, “derma” means skin. For many...

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