Have you ever just wanted a second opinion, either about your own health or the health care of your pets? Books and the internet are great for general information, background, and education but usually don’t address the specific situation going on in the owner’s...
Statistics presented by veterinary insurance companies report that 25% of dogs will develop cancer before they die. For some reason, the cancer rate in cats is not as high as that in dogs. Therefore, this discussion will focus on dogs. However, much of what applies to...
In 2015, AAFCO approved specific fatty acids ratios for pet foods. Omega fatty acids are used by the body to reduce inflammation and are building blocks for many biochemical pathways. Some of these fatty acids are essential, meaning the body cannot make its own. Diet...
The goal is always for our dog’s teeth to be pearly white. But when it’s one tooth, the canine, that builds up tartar, the question becomes what’s the best thing to do? Animals don’t really chew with their fangs, the canines. The canine teeth are meant for holding...
It has been estimated by some experts that over 90% of cancers can be prevented; most cancers are due to environmental exposure. Therefore, only 10% of cancers are genetic! This is great news because it gives pet owners who own those breeds predisposed to cancer a...
There are a few things to consider. First, if your dog just had a large snack of another dog’s poop then he simply could have over eaten and needed to empty out his stomach. The second major cause of vomiting feces is to vomit so hard that not only the stomach gets...