First question: does your dog do it in her sleep or is it normal squat and pee? If it’s in her sleep, it’s associated with female dogs being spayed – these dogs can be helped with weight control, exercise and chiropractic. For some dogs/owners, medication is also an...
We should ask a few questions to get to the underlying problem here. First, it is advisable to rule-out a bladder infection. A urine sample and visit to your veterinarian will help do that. Another biological cause of missing the box is difficulty pooping. Really,...
This one’s easy: Not starting training right away. It’s as easy as saying good sit when the puppy sits anyway. Say, good potty when potty comes out in the right place. Say good puppy when the puppy chews on a toy. Catch the pup doing things right from the very...
Hmm. Before I learned about the pros and cons of declawing, I had my cat declawed. My goal was that he would be — from that day forward — 100% indoors. One day, as my husband slammed the French door shut to keep Tyler buddy inside, Tyler shot through the door but 1”...
Oh – I can just feel the controversy in the air rising! Can you? Okay, let’s just get right into it! We’ll tackle dogs first. From the perspective of how small the incision is to how quickly they bounce back from surgery, 3-4 months of age is a great time for this...