Gunny hereI’m not sure if I’m writing about the problem with mushrooms or if I’m writing about the problem with social media. No. I don’t have opposable thumbs. So I’m not on social media directly. But I hear humans talking. You know. It’s the strangest thing. If...
Gunny here. I don’t know what it is about my feet, but ever since I was a pup, if someone touched my foot, I would pull it back really fast. I can’t help myself! It’s like an unconscious thing. My mom says it’s something called a reflex. Whatever it is, withdrawal...
Have you watched the movie “The Art of Racing in the Rain“? Since I can’t read words, the best I can do is watch movies with my family. I love that movie! Enzo is my hero – there’s a dog who understands how things work. I, like Enzo, really only have gestures, so I do...
Gunny here. Many of you are aware I am an older guy. In fact, I came to my forever home after several years and several temporary stops. These temporary stops were ok but now I hit the jackpot. What do I mean? The people weren’t bad. But they didn’t understand how to...
Much of what we know about laryngeal paralysis (LarPar or LP) comes from horses. In horses, it’s sometimes called “roaring”; horses on the track will make strange breath sounds when running hard when they have LP such that they sound like they are roaring. But first,...
Dogs and cats are dying from nutrition related diseases. And it’s insidious. It’s not obvious at all. (Of course, humans are also dying from dietary related diseases but I’m a veterinarian so let’s talk about the species I know best: our pets, dogs and cats. Even...