Just as we do in human hospitals, requiring pre-surgical bloodwork is an attempt to find subclinical problems before they cause problems during surgery. In pets, a pre-anesthetic blood screen usually looks at blood glucose, and a few tests to evaluate liver and kidney...
Cherry eye is prolapse of the third eyelid. Dogs have an extra eyelid compared to humans – it helps protect their eye and keep it moist. The third eyelid also makes 60-70% of the tears in the eye. People don’t like the look of cherry eye – and they worry that their...
Lyme and pancreatitis. Because my clinics are located in a rural setting, ticks (and lyme) are a problem for us. Some of my clients live in what I un-affectionately call, tick central. Even though they use monthly tick prevention, it has become less effective....
This one’s easy: Not starting training right away. It’s as easy as saying good sit when the puppy sits anyway. Say, good potty when potty comes out in the right place. Say good puppy when the puppy chews on a toy. Catch the pup doing things right from the very...