Fleas!?! Yuck!!! About 10 years ago, the answer was: when the first frost hits, you are good until next spring. Conditions have changed. More pets, increased use of the same product year after year after year (for the last 10 years); things have definitely changed! I...
You gotta ask WHY does my dog have low thyroid? Did your veterinarian run the full panel (T3, T4, free T3, free T4, TGAA that gets sent off to another lab, ideally Hemopet http://www.hemopet.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&Itemid=39 or...
I wonder why we as individuals aren’t allowed to be responsible for our actions. Now, groups and businesses should have some method of accountability. For example, since we are talking pet food, there needs to be the right level of nutrients for health (of course, you...
First question: does your dog do it in her sleep or is it normal squat and pee? If it’s in her sleep, it’s associated with female dogs being spayed – these dogs can be helped with weight control, exercise and chiropractic. For some dogs/owners, medication is also an...
We should ask a few questions to get to the underlying problem here. First, it is advisable to rule-out a bladder infection. A urine sample and visit to your veterinarian will help do that. Another biological cause of missing the box is difficulty pooping. Really,...