If your cat is also vomiting, call your vet immediately. You may need different medicine or your kitty may have a bigger problem. If your cat is not vomiting and is pooping the normal 1-2 times a day but the stool is soft, consider a probiotic 2-4 hours after...
This is a serious medical emergency! The very first thing is to wash your cat very, very, very, very, very well. Use a regular, non-medicated shampoo or Dawn dish soap, it does not have to be a pet specific product and time is of the essence, that is what...
The Pet Food Committee The committee passed a motion to put a limit on how much calcium large breed dogs get, as they grow faster and longer and too much calcium can cause health issues – developmental bone diseases. But, then, the committee passed a motion to...
The Ingredients Definition Committee met this evening. Here’s an example of what they discussed: They want to approve a definition for zinc hydroxychloride as a feed additive to provide zinc, a required mineral, to livestock. The definition includes acceptable...
This meeting was best described as my “getting my bearings” meeting. There were 250+ representatives present from every state Department of Agriculture, the US federal government (FDA), the Canadian federal government (their FDA), and a whole lot of pet...