Tips to Help Your Pets Move Well with Your Family

Tips to Help Your Pets Move Well with Your Family

Moving can be both exciting and stressful – new opportunities and many steps to complete lead to this mixed situation. Moving with pets can be an additional consideration. Because pets are part of the family, they are included in the move, not left behind....
Married with Children…and a New Pet

Married with Children…and a New Pet

There’s a lot to consider regarding bringing a new (or first) pet into your household. Should you get one? What kind should you get? And what else should you know? I want to tackle all of these “NEW PET” questions right here and now: First, you have to realize that...
Special Ingredient Saturday – Coconut Oil

Special Ingredient Saturday – Coconut Oil

Studies have shown that consuming coconut oil can help humans resist viruses and bacteria that cause illness. Coconut oil also contains medium chain triglyceride fats, which have been shown to aid the liver in the efficient burning of energy. While little to no...
My Dog Seems to Have an Ear Infection. What Should I Do?

My Dog Seems to Have an Ear Infection. What Should I Do?

This is a question I get a lot. Sometimes, people want a holistic treatment they can do themselves. Other times, they just can’t get in to see me for a couple days, and want to give little Fido some relief. First, make sure the ear is not bleeding. If it is, your...

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