Safety Measures in Food Against HPAI

So… to help pet parents BETTER understand the safety measures already in place to protect pets from HPAI, I have to geek out for a few minutes and give you some science. My goal is to define things and not lose you in a bunch of technical terms. . Viruses are...

What is This Flu Thing?

From late 2021 in Texas to right here and right now, pet parents are still hearing about the “avian flu” AKAL: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. While it has been here for three years already, now all of the sudden state departments of agriculture are...

Four Things You Should Never Tell Your Regular Vet

Why is this even a question – a consideration? Because shouldn’t pet owners be able to have a truthful, respecting relationship with their healthcare provider? Their veterinarian? After all, the pet owner is truly in charge of their pet’s health. xx In reality,...
The Scary Situation with Kirby’s Seizures

The Scary Situation with Kirby’s Seizures

My very good friend Susan has a little man named Kirby. He’s a 13-year-old Papillion who has been eating our recipes since we wrote the cookbook, Dinner PAWsible, in 2009. Kirby only receives rabies vaccine when required by law and receives very little other...
What Are the Ingredients of Vaccines?

What Are the Ingredients of Vaccines?

The list of ingredients for most vaccines is proprietary information – this means vaccine companies are not required to disclose their ingredients to the consumer. Therefore, even if the consumer, or the consumer’s pet, has a reaction to a vaccine, the vaccine...

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