Anybody can have a reaction to any medication. The way I look at it, if your dog never has a problem with Trifexis, then it may be fine. However, if your dog has the least change in behavior, anything out of the ordinary, anything at all, then I would discontinue...
If your cat is also vomiting, call your vet immediately. You may need different medicine or your kitty may have a bigger problem. If your cat is not vomiting and is pooping the normal 1-2 times a day but the stool is soft, consider a probiotic 2-4 hours after...
My first question would be whether the veterinarian finds any fluid in the anal glands and what it looks like. Liquid from the anal glands should be brown, thin and see through. If it’s anything other than that, there is infection. If the liquid is more like...
A dry bath involves using powder to dry up moisture and nice smells to cover up odor. Dry baths do not actually clean, think of a dry baths as equivalent to pouring baking soda on a wine spill. The baking soda dry’s it up and cuts down on the smell but does not...
There’s a can of worms. Usually bones from the table are cooked. There are some dogs who will eat them and have bits of bone go through their intestines, slice their intestines and cause horrible pain, if not death. Chicken bones are notorious for this and for...
This is a great question! Some dogs make it really hard to know and that’s part of the answer that question. Some veterinarians send home pain medication as a matter of course. But many patients really don’t need it, and the pain medication can have side...