Opponents of feeding raw food come in a few different types: the disgusted, the cost and time “conscious,”and the “evidence-based medicine” group. Those who are disgusted are often vegetarian and just can’t stand the raw meat idea. I do have a few clients who will...
Just as we do in human hospitals, requiring pre-surgical bloodwork is an attempt to find subclinical problems before they cause problems during surgery. In pets, a pre-anesthetic blood screen usually looks at blood glucose, and a few tests to evaluate liver and kidney...
You have no idea the difficulty of the question you are asking! 🙂 I have a heck of a time suggesting any dry kibble. Here’s the truth: Dry food makes dry pets. 75-90% of the moisture is removed from the food to make it dry. But, if you have to go dry, here are some...
Hmm. Before I learned about the pros and cons of declawing, I had my cat declawed. My goal was that he would be — from that day forward — 100% indoors. One day, as my husband slammed the French door shut to keep Tyler buddy inside, Tyler shot through the door but 1”...
Another controversy alert!! I have a colleague, Bret Glass, who is the king of helping people and their “fully armored” (i.e. fully clawed) cats co-exist. Bret is working on 100 suggestions to help kitties keep their claws. From banana peels to his wonderful...