What are the different kinds of vaccines? (And, why do I care?)

What are the different kinds of vaccines? (And, why do I care?)

In the prepartion of killed vaccines, the manufacturer “kills” the virus, usually by heat, so injection into a patient does not cause disease. This is especially important in rabies prevention as the last thing we want to do is give rabies to patients. The...
Are hot sidewalks dangerous for your pet or is that just a myth?

Are hot sidewalks dangerous for your pet or is that just a myth?

Do you remember being a kid and running around barefoot all summer? Remember how hot the tar was compared to the concrete? Same for our cats and dogs. I have a friend who used an infrared thermometer to measure the sidewalk temperature last year – 145F!!! That is skin...
Spring may have actually sprung as I have more weeds in my backyard than grass which brings up a question; with all the “weed and feed” fertilizers out there, shouldn’t we be cautious in using them with our pets around? Do you have some basic info to share?

Spring may have actually sprung as I have more weeds in my backyard than grass which brings up a question; with all the “weed and feed” fertilizers out there, shouldn’t we be cautious in using them with our pets around? Do you have some basic info to share?

There are many facets to answering this question. First, read the bag – read the itty bitty print way on the bottom – often, these products recommend waiting several hours or until the next rain before allowing pets on treated areas. The chemicals can burn foot pads,...

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