Ever since I learned about the health benefits of feeding real food to pets, I have heard my colleagues discuss the subsequent reduction in external parasites due to this good nutrition. Certainly, I’ve noticed amazing health benefits – decreased shedding,...
There are many, many possible causes for this. So, let me go through a few of the most possible. First, how long has it been? If everything else seems to be “normal” with your pet, it’s okay to go up to 24 hours without eating. It’s possible he has the flu. Of course,...
Oh no! It’s very possible the poor guy has a tummy ache. Maybe his prepared kibble is giving him some acid reflux? But, it could also be a hiatal hernia, which is a weakness of the diaphragm that allows a bubble of stomach to come up into the chest cavity. Humans with...
I hope you can help me. My 5 year-old Doodle had a kidney ultrasound and it revealed right is half the size of the left kidney, and showed poor detail meaning little function. The vet could hardly see it from the other tissues. She has an elevated creatinine and BUN...
My very good friend Susan has a little man named Kirby. He’s a 13-year-old Papillion who has been eating our recipes since we wrote the cookbook, Dinner PAWsible, in 2009. Kirby only receives rabies vaccine when required by law and receives very little other...
It is a well established fact that cats must consume taurine in their diet. Taurine is a sulfur containing amino acid that dogs and humans can synthesize from other dietary amino acids-but cats cannot. Amino acids are the smaller parts that make up protein; protein...