Walking – Some Clues for Two-Leggeds

Walking – Some Clues for Two-Leggeds

Gunny here. It was a beautiful weekend. I live a great house where I can look out the window and watch the traffic go by: foot traffic, car traffic – it’s all interesting and keeps my older mind occupied. I noticed something new this weekend that had me a bit...

Holiday Stress and Our Pets

It’s pretty well known that the holidays are a time of stress for humans. Signs of stress may include weight gain, tiredness, or moodiness. Interestingly, we humans aren’t the only ones to experience stress and weight gain over the holidays – so do our pets. It...
Pets are Dying

Pets are Dying

Dogs and cats are dying from nutrition related diseases. And it’s insidious. It’s not obvious at all. (Of course, humans are also dying from dietary related diseases but I’m a veterinarian so let’s talk about the species I know best: our pets, dogs and cats. Even...

Bite Wounds -Can They be Managed at Home?

Dog bites and cat bites are two very different things. They present differently and can need different care. Let’s talk about each one and discuss some things to look for. It is common, unfortunately, for dogs to get into fights. They don’t have the ability to use...

When Is It Too Late?

When to take our pets for healthcare is often a very hard decision. Certainly, many of us are guilty of waiting longer than advised for ourselves. We are busy, and we just don’t take time for our own health care. We are tough, we will be fine! But when it comes to our...
Is Gabapentin Really the New Answer?

Is Gabapentin Really the New Answer?

In the last post, I shared some of my thoughts and experiences with antacids. In this post, I would like to explore another western medication which is being prescribed with increasing frequency: gabapentin. Over the last five years, gabapentin has been prescribed for...

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