It’s an interesting debate. After all, where do all the awesome apple varieties come from? They are genetically engineered. (When I lived in Turkey, I asked my friend what kind of apple it was. She looked at my funny and said “red.” Not every country is blessed with...
Do you remember being a kid and running around barefoot all summer? Remember how hot the tar was compared to the concrete? Same for our cats and dogs. I have a friend who used an infrared thermometer to measure the sidewalk temperature last year – 145F!!! That is skin...
Great food treats 80% of the body’s inflammation, but shedding means there is still something more. Could be he still has some “leaky gut” issues. 60-70% of the body’s immune system is in the intestines – it’s called the GALT – gut-associated lymphoid tissue. If the...
Sounds like someone has allergies. Typically, allergies are of three types – food, fleas and hay fever. If we prevent fleas, take care of the food allergies, then the hay fever allergies can be lessened. The most common food things that dogs are allergic to are the...
Crazy thing about pet food – in order to make kibble, it has to be 30% carbohydrate to make it into a kibble. I don’t know about you, but every meal made of carbs (pasta) does not help me lose weight – tends to make me bigger around the middle. Same thing happens to...
There are many facets to answering this question. First, read the bag – read the itty bitty print way on the bottom – often, these products recommend waiting several hours or until the next rain before allowing pets on treated areas. The chemicals can burn foot pads,...