Why is my dog scratching so much – it drives us all crazy?!?

Why is my dog scratching so much – it drives us all crazy?!?

Sounds like someone has allergies. Typically, allergies are of three types – food, fleas and hay fever. If we prevent fleas, take care of the food allergies, then the hay fever allergies can be lessened. The most common food things that dogs are allergic to are the...
What do you recommend for flea preventative for my pet?

What do you recommend for flea preventative for my pet?

Whatever is the least you need to do to control fleas. Don’t you hate that I don’t have one pat answer? Problem is, different households have different issues. Some homes have used the same flea preventative for years and it’s not working anymore. Some homes can’t get...
Should I give my dog heart worm preventative all year round?

Should I give my dog heart worm preventative all year round?

This depends on where you live. In order for the heartworm microfilariae (baby worms) to survive in the mosquito, temperatures have to be over 67F for 2 weeks. This could be most of the year in the south. In the north, not as much of the year. Heartworm disease is...

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