Why Am I Supposed to Mix Foods When I Switch Pet Foods?

Why Am I Supposed to Mix Foods When I Switch Pet Foods?

Let me ask you this in exchange: Do you eat the same thing every meal? Do you get diarrhea when you eat different meals? Normally no, right? Essentially it comes down to health the intestinal tract. If your pet has a healthy intestinal tract, then there’s no problem...
What Options Do I Have in Heartworm “Prevention?”

What Options Do I Have in Heartworm “Prevention?”

Heartworm medications are regulated by the FDA. Legally, your pet’s only protection is with one of the standard veterinary products. These days, those are either monthly chewable or topical products. The problem is that only pharmaceuticals can legally be licensed to...
A Super Quick, Inexpensive Measure of Pet Health – Urine pH

A Super Quick, Inexpensive Measure of Pet Health – Urine pH

Last week, we talked briefly about acid-base balance. Today’s topic ties in directly with that – urine pH. Normal urine pH should be between 6.5 and 7.0. A pH measure of 7.0 is neutral – neither acid nor alkaline. One of the things your veterinarian evaluates when...
How “Ozone” Therapy is Used in Veterinary Medicine

How “Ozone” Therapy is Used in Veterinary Medicine

Last week we described what ozone is: three reactive oxygen molecules in a loose bond which can be used for health benefits. This week I want to highlight some of the many benefits of ozone in ozone veterinary medicine: Treat Skin Wounds Skin wounds heal faster with...

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