First question: does your dog do it in her sleep or is it normal squat and pee? If it’s in her sleep, it’s associated with female dogs being spayed – these dogs can be helped with weight control, exercise and chiropractic. For some dogs/owners, medication is also an...
We should ask a few questions to get to the underlying problem here. First, it is advisable to rule-out a bladder infection. A urine sample and visit to your veterinarian will help do that. Another biological cause of missing the box is difficulty pooping. Really,...
Opponents of feeding raw food come in a few different types: the disgusted, the cost and time “conscious,”and the “evidence-based medicine” group. Those who are disgusted are often vegetarian and just can’t stand the raw meat idea. I do have a few clients who will...
Bladder infection Ear infections Skin infections Anal glands Shedding Feline diabetes Constipation/diarrhea Allergies (with a caveat – some are this easy, some are quite difficult, and some are in the middle) Dental disease (after a professional dental cleaning so you...
This depends on where you live. In order for the heartworm microfilariae (baby worms) to survive in the mosquito, temperatures have to be over 67F for 2 weeks. This could be most of the year in the south. In the north, not as much of the year. Heartworm disease is...