Bathing Do’s and Don’ts

Bathing Do’s and Don’ts

Fun subject! Even my daughter likes to bathe the pooches. Most dogs love baths, most cats don’t – there are always exceptions. Do use lukewarm water, do use natural shampoo, do have plenty of towels and prepare for lots of water mess. So, a few pointers: Use a natural...

Bathing dos and don’ts

Fun subject! Even my daughter likes to bathe the pooches. Most dogs love baths, most cats don’t – there are always exceptions. Do use lukewarm water, do use natural shampoo, do have plenty of towels and prepare for lots of water mess. So, a few pointers: Use a natural...
What should goat feces look like?

What should goat feces look like?

Seems silly, doesn’t it? But, goat product should look like large raisins. If it looks like dog by-product, that is actually diarrhea. Of course, goat feces can become so liquid that it looks like what we normally think of is diarrhea. So, what can be the cause of...
Why is fatty liver such a problem for cats?

Why is fatty liver such a problem for cats?

Fatty liver is also called hepatic lipisosis. In hepatic lipidosis, something makes your kitty stop eating – from a virus, to vaccination, to stress to an illness. When cats don’t eat, their liver says it’s not a problem and brings fat from the body into the liver for...

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