The first time you deal with a pet emergency that may require CPR will be a very stressful/scary situation. A great graphic to help comes from the American Red Cross. The chart shows a prone dog receiving CPR – Airway is checked and cleared with the Heimlich maneuver,...
There have been many frightening reports in the news lately, from tainted jerky treats to questions about dog food safety, there is a lot to worry about. After five years of investigation and hundreds of dogs dying, tainted jerky treats have finally been removed from...
With the right personality, a cat can walk on a leash. I have even met a therapy cat who goes to nursing homes to provide comfort to the residents! There are a few things to do differently on leash to keep cats safe. First, use a harness. The last thing we want is our...
Unless your kitties are all from the same litter, chances are good the issue goes back to diet (still goes back to diet, even if they are related). There are two types of diabetes – type I is juvenile onset (most common in dogs and young humans), type II is adult...
Grapes and raisins have an unknown toxic factor in them that can cause acute renal failure in dogs. In too high doses, they can be fatal. It seems weird that something we humans can enjoy does that, but our pets can’t tolerate Tylenol either, where we can. Our...