Flea collars can be poisonous. I’ve had patients have hair loss, to seizures and death from flea collars and shampoos. And, right now, many people are finding nothing works more than 2 weeks. I’d get some topical thing from the veterinarian – Frontline or...
This is a pretty drastic surgery for something that can usually be controlled by diet and chiropractic. But, first, let’s back up and talk about anal glands. Dogs and cats have two glands, one on each side of their butthole (about 4 and 7 o’clock). Anal glands fill up...
Silly pup – she’s being submissive and telling you that you are the top dog in her world, and your friends. Just ignore the behavior, have your friends meet your girl on easy to clean flooring and it will get better. The more secure your girl feels in herself, the...
How much more fun is it to give presents to your pets? And, even more fun, for a bunch of them, the box itself is great fun! So, let’s look at feeding, grooming, bedding, playing and exercising. My favorite topic, as most of you will know by now, is feeding – great...
How often is your dog dirty? Ok, it’s not fair to answer a question with a question, but that’s what it comes down to. My Cairn Terrier gets groomed every 6-8 weeks; many poodles and other continuously growing hair coat dogs get groomed about that frequency. But, then...