An unusual eye health condition cured through diet: Pannus

Pannus is when a film or dark coloring grows across the surface of the eye, the cornea. This condition happens in dogs, especially German Shepherds, but really any breed. Typical treatment uses several different types of eye ointments; the ointments can be quite...
Cooking for Our Four-Legged Family, Lite

Cooking for Our Four-Legged Family, Lite

Here are some tips to make things more doable for you: When you cook for your own family just make a larger batch and set aside extra for the pets’ meal. For example, make an extra large pot roast and put back half the meat for the dog or cat food. Pick a day a...
Cooking for Fluffy & Fido in the Real World

Cooking for Fluffy & Fido in the Real World

In the real world, most of us work long hours, many people work second jobs in order to make ends meet. The idea of having to cook for one more member of the family can be overwhelming, enough that pet owners can just throw up their hands and say “forget it I’ll take...
Dog Flu Numbers Reach Epidemic Numbers In Chicago says CNN

Dog Flu Numbers Reach Epidemic Numbers In Chicago says CNN

CNN recently reported that more than 1000 dogs in Chicago have been diagnosed with canine flu… resulting in at least five deaths. As dog lovers, pet owners and a veterinary clinic, this story has — obviously — been one we’ve watched carefully. Due to the increasing...
Cooking for Fluffy & Fido in the Real World

Home Cooked Safety

Social media has made it ever more obvious to the public just how often pet food and treats are recalled. Recalls can occur for many different reason; as minor as expired ingredients to as major as salmonella contamination which can be a health risk for both humans...

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