Here’s a great biscuit recipe: Ingredients: 1 pound (0.5 kg) flour-whole wheat, buckwheat, millet, brown rice or other 2 teaspoons (10 ml) salt 1 quart (1 L) water 2 tablespoons (30 ml) honey or molasses 2 tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil Directions: Mix flour and salt...
Let’s dig into this a bit. El Niño has definitely made some unusual weather! In the central part of the country — where we live — we are used to freezing temperatures and snow in November and December. This year has been pleasantly comfortable, and we love it....
I recently received a SMC email. (That’s a “Save My Canine!” email!) The email indicated that this pet parent had a 9 year old dog with some swelling on the side of his nose. And, of course, like all of us who love our four-legged friends, she was concerned. With good...
Here at, we answer all sorts of questions about pets. Today, we’re talking about why your dog howls at sirens and whether this howling is anything to worry about. There are two reasons that dogs howl when sirens are nearby. The first is that the sound...
Holidays are times to share with the whole family so it certainly makes sense to want to include the four-legged family in the festivities as well. By knowing the dangers, it makes it easy to share the festivities with everyone. There’s some controversy over what...