It’s so frustrating for pet owners! They put in a lot of effort—they spend money, research endlessly, and try things that have worked for others. But still, their pets don’t get better.
Have you seen the video about Pottenger’s cats? [Here’s the link] Make sure you watch all the way to the end because the answer is revealed there!
In the video, they discuss Dr. Pottenger’s study on the impact of food on cats. He found that the more processed the food, the more severe the genetic changes became in these cats. After five generations of eating poor-quality food, the cats had underdeveloped endocrine systems, lived shorter lives, and faced many health problems. And at the very end of the video, they share the key to fixing this: it takes five generations of good food to restore health.
Now, you might be thinking, “This doesn’t relate to my pets.” But it absolutely does—100%. Just look at what we’ve been doing to our animals over the last 20 years. We’ve been feeding them poor-quality food, giving excessive vaccines, using more aggressive medications, and even altering their DNA. The result? Poor health. And the unfortunate truth is, this health can’t always be fixed because their genetic lines have already been altered.
If we want to restore good health to our pets, we need to focus on breeding for health. And that means stopping practices that harm their well-being. For example, the common practice of giving 6-week-old puppies their vaccinations—it’s not helping. Their immune systems aren’t ready to respond until around 17 weeks, but when we vaccinate too early, we’re altering their genetics. What’s worse, vaccines are designed to be given to animals of all sizes, from tiny 1-pound puppies to 200-pound dogs, using the same dosage. This approach is not in the best interest of these animals.
This is where health problems begin.
Another major issue is the poor-quality food we feed pregnant and lactating mothers. Why are we giving them the lowest-quality food when they are trying to nurture and grow healthy babies? The key to healthy puppies or kittens is a healthy mother, and that starts with good nutrition.
Mandates that require breeders to vaccinate puppies and kittens before selling them, supposedly to stop puppy mills, don’t actually solve the problem. They only make puppies more expensive.
If we truly want to see healthy animals, it’s time for responsible breeders to step up. That means no more unnecessary vaccinations, no more harmful chemicals, and no more feeding conventional, low-quality pet food. Let’s focus on breeding healthy animals by growing five generations of pristine, well-nourished pets. Only then can we hope to restore good health.
Still seeing patients in Tampa, Clearwater, and virtually.