Calcium lactate, calcium citrate and calcium carbonate are the most common calcium supplements (and all sorts of variations thereof, like calcium citrate/malate). Everyone says theirs is the best. But which one really is? Here’s the can of worms: some say the source matters. Like it should be plant based to be absorbed (kale). Some say it should be from coral (carbonate, citrate and orotate). Some don’t like taking a lot of pills (carbonate). Some prefer natural, animal-based sources: egg shells (carbonate), bone (hydroxyapatite) or milk/cheese (lactate, phosphate and caseinate). Reports vary as to which is easiest to absorb. Current consensus is it really doesn’t matter, other than calcium needs to be ingested with food for best absorption. Calcium eaten alone, without food, can lead to kidney stones – ouch!
There are a lot of different types of calcium on the market. Which one is best for use in homemade food?
by Dr. Cathy | Oct 11, 2013