Let’s get back to the focus on baby food as it relates to dogs and cats…
If you feel the need to purée food for your pet, Like maybe you’re syringe feeding and trying to get food to pass through syringe, getting a food mill just like my aunt gave me — or a food processor — is a far superior option to commercial baby food.   


Baby food is disgusting.  It tastes nasty, and it’s expensive as all freak.


They cook it.


They sterilize it.


And then they high-pressure pack it.


Other than the fact that it’s wet, it may not be a whole lot different than canned  food for dogs and cats.


So, if baby food is your go to for your sick pet, at least it’s real food. (Marginally.) But there are lots better foods for your sick baby if you’re gonna syringe it in. You guys know my favorite: raw (fermented) goat milk. You can blend milk with any, high quality fresh pet food and get that to pass through a syringe and syringe feed your baby. You know. The four legged kind.