Grapes and raisins have an unknown toxic factor in them that can cause acute renal failure in dogs. In too high doses, they can be fatal. It seems weird that something we humans can enjoy does that, but our pets can’t tolerate Tylenol either, where we can. Our metabolisms are different. And, because we don’t know what it is in the grape that is poisonous, and why one dog will be affected but another one not, it’s confusing. Grapes seem like the perfect bite sized-treats, but they just are not safe. Since raisins are just little grapes, no raisins either. Want more weird? Grapes and raisins don’t seem to be a problem for cats and horses (at least, not that we know of, yet).
Crazy….I had two little Maltese that I fed red grapes to on a regular basis. I like grapes and I always had them around. Whenever I ate them they both leaped on my lap and snapped them up faster than I did. Not one or two, but many at each snack. That went on all of their lives. One of them lived to 13 and the other to 15. Never any signs of problems nor did they get sick. Took them to the vet on an annual basis for regular shots and checkups.
I’m not advocating for grapes and I never ever feed them to my current dogs, now that I am educated about the dangers.
Just saying…I’m glad they had no reactions to whatever it is that is supposed to be bad in grapes