Gunny here.


Ya, ya, ya – I’ve been on vacay – watching you humans, shaking my head. I can’t keep my mouth shut on this one.

How many times do we dogs break into the trash? Do you blame us?


I mean, look at the smells! Smell the smells! It’s like a rich, vibrant, delicious, could-wear-it-as-cologne funkiness.

You know when there’s a dead bird on the ground? It’s amazing! Just to roll on it and rub that smell all over my body? That’s heaven.


So then there’s that trashcan sitting in the kitchen without a lock, uncovered, and starting to get really funky. How can you blame me? I’m gonna knock it down. I’m gonna eat what’s edible. I’m gonna wear the rest, and then I’m gonna take a nap and wait for you to get home. Sure, I know you’re gonna yell at me. But it was worth it.


Now, I’ve been thwarted in my current house. Apparently, they know my deal. Do you know that every trashcan is in a cabinet? It’s so frustrating. I can’t get into these things! But I hear that maybe that’s to my benefit.


Let me share just a couple of stories.

I’ve had some canine friends who break into the bathroom trash and eat used tampons. I know you humans worry about that. Fortunately, it usually comes out one way or another. But some of my other friends break into the kitchen or outside trash and eat chicken bones. Now, the street dogs who know how to eat bones – they chew them from end to end, no problem. House dogs, though,  who’ve never eaten a bone before may break it in half, and then splinter it. They eat that piece whole. A few of them have had to go in for intestinal surgery.


So, while I think trash is just a wonderful, delicious thing (I did used to be a street dog), if you humans want to keep us dogs safe, why don’t you do what my family does and keep the trashcan in the cabinet?

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