My veterinarian said home-cooked is OK, but cautioned that I need to make sure to add vitamins and taurine.  On a sample recipe on your site, I didn’t see any mention of supplements to be added, especially taurine.  Did I miss it, or do you not recommend it?

My veterinarian said home-cooked is OK, but cautioned that I need to make sure to add vitamins and taurine. On a sample recipe on your site, I didn’t see any mention of supplements to be added, especially taurine. Did I miss it, or do you not recommend it?

Thanks for your question. This is a common concern as we’ve all been trained since the 50s that taurine has to be added to cat food. Taurine comes from meat. In the 50s, cat food did not contain enough meat to provide cats with enough taurine for healthy hearts. Once...

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