For any dog owner who witnesses this behavior – it brings on feelings of pure disgust for a most beloved dog. Then the next emotional concern is whether or not the owner has done something wrong. Rest assured, this is not case. Dogs who eat their own stool are...
My first question would be whether the veterinarian finds any fluid in the anal glands and what it looks like. Liquid from the anal glands should be brown, thin and see through. If it’s anything other than that, there is infection. If the liquid is more like...
My first question would be if your cat vomits watery fluid shortly after she drinks water? If that is the case then she is drinking too fast and the water is not even going into her stomach before she regurgitates it back up. Sometimes this happens because the water...
Hot spots are a symptom of allergies. Commonly, the allergies are either to fleas, food, or hayfever. If you control the fleas and feed good food then you can reduce the symptoms of hayfever. Certainly you can treat the symptoms of the hot spot but if you don’t...
I find two major causes of head-shaking and scratching: food allergy or need of a chiropractic adjustment. This bold statement is based on assuming there are no fleas, and no ear mites. Assuming there are no critters, and if the ears are clean and smooth on inspection...
First, we have to figure out why your dog or cat has bad breath. Is it from tartar buildup on the teeth? If that is the case then the cure is usually a professional dental cleaning. If your pet has had his or her teeth cleaned recently and still has bad breath then...