Living indoors is only one of the factors that affects longevity. Other factors that affect longevity include genetics, vaccines and medications, what your cat eats and what chemicals you use in the household. If everything is ideal it would be realistic to hope your...
Unfortunately, the answer to this question is it depends. It depends on the year, where you live, your environment, and, for fleas it depends on how big the flea problem has been for you in the past. Heart worms first. Outside air temperatures have to be over 67° for...
Thanks for this awesome question!! If your cat will eat canned food, that is an awesome start – sometimes with kitties, that is the biggest battle, simply the switch to canned. If your kitty will eat canned, then here’s my order of preference: human food – meats –...
You are right about staying away from corn, so what about the rest? Flax seed is a great source of omega fatty acids, and isn’t truly considered a grain. Rice and barley, as long as they are straight up human grade rice and barley are more acceptable than corn....
Flea collars can be poisonous. I’ve had patients have hair loss, to seizures and death from flea collars and shampoos. And, right now, many people are finding nothing works more than 2 weeks. I’d get some topical thing from the veterinarian – Frontline or...
This is a pretty drastic surgery for something that can usually be controlled by diet and chiropractic. But, first, let’s back up and talk about anal glands. Dogs and cats have two glands, one on each side of their butthole (about 4 and 7 o’clock). Anal glands fill up...